
Showing posts from April, 2022

Building a data driven organisation

Every aspect of an organisation can benefit from a strong data and analytics culture. With one, you can fully understand the customer experience and turn insights into innovations, drive better business transformation across the organisation, get better at identifying future areas of growth, innovation and opportunity, and build entirely new business models that meet future customer needs. Discover how to build a data-driven organisation and drive business transformation with an optimised approach to data and analytics. Read More...

Activate Digital Selling: Connect with customers through their preferred channel

 The global pandemic gave way to new priorities shaped by a year (and then some) of crisis. With the acceleration of hybrid work, sellers now understand they need to help customers be better buyers. But how? The shift in B2B buying has reconfigured B2B selling, and sellers can focus on connecting with customers through their preferred mechanism. Review the infographic to learn about individualizing selling at scale, including ways to unlock data to discover opportunities. Read More...

Hybrid Meetings: Hybrid work guidance

Hybrid Meetings is a somewhat new concept, which means new guidance exists to make the most of your employees’ time. Example? Choose a meeting format that best serves everyone’s needs, setting expectations with attendees, and managing roles and access. Create meetings that reflect the culture and use tools that make the experience more engaging. Make sure progress continues after your meeting ends, and that the right people are informed of decisions and outcomes. Review the infographic to learn the specific steps for preparing, conducting, and debriefing a positive hybrid meeting. Read More...

Securing the New World of Work

Security has become a key element of competitive advantage. Secure access and identity are front and centre of our online world, with the focus on making security as frictionless as possible. A successful security strategy needs a multidisciplinary approach team and approach. Discover how to drive trust and agility in a complex and distributed digital landscape with an integrated security platform. Read More...

Reimagine your digital endpoint estate

Growing concerns about employee experiences—including securing mobile devices and working with flexibility—call for endpoint modernization. The value in Microsoft 365 is its innovation in secure, cloud-connected management as well as its awareness of employee satisfaction (including the acceleration of onboarding of all workers). Take stock in your endpoint estate and start using modern products like Cloud Configuration and Endpoint Manager to manage Windows devices on-premises today. Review this infographic and discover the key components that enable unified device management. Read More...

Réunions hybrides : Guide sur le travail hybride

Les réunions hybrides sont un concept relativement nouveau, ce qui signifie qu'il existe de nouveaux conseils pour tirer le meilleur parti du temps de vos employés. Exemple ? Choisissez le format de réunion qui répond le mieux aux besoins de chacun, en définissant les attentes des participants et en gérant les rôles et les accès. Créez des réunions qui reflètent la culture et utilisez des outils qui rendent l'expérience plus attrayante. Assurez-vous que les progrès se poursuivent après la fin de votre réunion et que les bonnes personnes sont informées des décisions et des résultats. Consultez l'infographie pour connaître les étapes spécifiques pour préparer, mener et débriefer une réunion hybride positive. Read More...

Modern Security Strategies

Maintain trust and build resilience by taking an active, uncompromising approach to security and risk management. Learn how a modern security strategy protects organisation’s data no matter where employees are. Read More...

Data Strategy

Building a data-centric culture can drive innovation and help you gain competitive advantage. With a strong data strategy, you can improve customer experiences and deliver real-time and predictive insights for resiliency and agility. Read More...

Activate Digital Selling: Four steps to accommodate the new buyer reality

The customer journey has changed. Almost all B2B exchanges are done digitally today, and research suggests today’s buying groups are more diverse than ever, with millennials making up the single biggest B2B buyer group. To stay relevant, sellers need to guide and collaborate with customers remotely, understand their customers and strengthen relationships, optimize processes to reduce costs, and help teams adapt to rapidly changing environments. Review the infographic for bullet points and fast facts about the new buying reality. Read More...

Hybrid Meetings: Teams powered by Microsoft 365

Current research shows the cost benefit in hybrid meetings; for example, reduction in office spend and time reduction for starting meetings with Microsoft Teams Room Managed Services. Discover the new features and capabilities for hybrid meetings, as well as how Teams' most recent upgrades can save your company money and time while providing a top-notch employee and client experience. Review the infographic to learn more about how Teams’ new features can save your company money. Read More...

Security and Risk Management Customer Interviews

Rob Greg CIO at Arup and Sian John, Microsoft’s Chief Security Advisor discuss organisations can be more cyber resilient, and how you can start building a strong security strategy. They share their own experiences on ensuring remote workers stay secure and productive, and talk about the importance of building customer and employee trust. Read More...

Deploy and protect endpoints for hybrid and frontline work

Data & Analytics Customer Interviews

Join Paul Benjamin, CFO at Microsoft UK and Luis Vaquero, Head of Data at GoCo Group as they discuss how businesses can unlock the power of data to make better decisions. Learn how they’ve built a data-driven culture with a strong data strategy. Discover the best practices and how organisations can start implementing these changes for sustainable growth and a more resilient organisation. Read More...

Réunions hybrides : Teams à technologie Microsoft 365

Les recherches actuelles montrent les avantages en termes de coûts des réunions hybrides ; par exemple, la réduction des dépenses de bureau et la réduction du temps nécessaire pour commencer les réunions avec les services de gestion de salle Microsoft Teams. Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités et capacités des réunions hybrides, ainsi que la manière dont les dernières mises à niveau de Teams peuvent faire gagner de l'argent et du temps à votre entreprise tout en offrant une expérience de premier ordre aux employés et aux clients. Consultez l'infographie pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Teams peuvent faire économiser de l'argent à votre entreprise. Read More...

Becoming resilient by understanding risks

This is the first in a series of blogs by Mark Simos Lead Cybersecurity Architect, Cybersecurity Solutions Group and Sarah Armstrong-Smith Chief Security Advisor at Microsoft. Explore how to manage challenges associated with keeping an organization resilient against cyberattacks and data breaches. This series will examine both the business and security perspectives and then look at the powerful trends shaping the future. This blog series is unabashedly trying to help you build a stronger bridge between cybersecurity and your organizational leadership. Read More...

Five steps to modernizing your data

This guide to data modernisation and creating SaaS apps tackles common issues driving those to consider a transition to SaaS. Whether it’s scalability, availability, security, globalisation or something else, organisations are under pressure to respond to customer demand for cutting-edge capabilities and lower TCO. At the same time, they need to reach new customers, differentiate products, streamline sales cycles, grow revenues and improve margins. Read More...

Mercy Housing keeps residents safe at home using Microsoft Teams

When the pandemic ushered in a new reality of social distancing, Mercy Housing was able to continue supporting the residents and communities it serves while keeping everyone safe—thanks in part to using Microsoft Teams. This customer story shows how Teams has allowed the organization to maintain critical services, connect with residents and communities, and focus on its mission—all while supporting highly secure environments for remote work. Read More...

Seattle Against Slavery combats human trafficking and saves lives—at cloud scale

Human trafficking is a growing, global industry. Seattle Against Slavery, a nonprofit organization, is using Microsoft Azure to help empower survivor support organizations and law enforcement agencies to achieve ten times the impact with the same resources. Read More...

Optimize processes ​and help teams to adapt

In today’s digitized world, gaining insights-based, collaborative engagement is the solution to optimizing sales processes. Learning about your customer and understanding sales data to identify ideal targets, recommend best actions, and collaborate with peers, will result in accelerated revenue. Interactive digital selling provides a genuine opportunity for sales teams to gain real-time data and insights to build strong, long-term customer relationships—and to help customers adapt and transition to the cloud. Tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales help pave the way. Sign up to learn more about digital selling. Read More...

Remote developer productivity

The way people work and live changed drastically during 2020. As companies had to quickly transition to remote work, the challenges became clear. From adopting a new culture to overcoming collaboration and remote shipping challenges, there had to be an integral solution for these types of issues. The customers’ objective is to enable a remote Development paradigm that allows their developers to invent with purpose as effectively (if not more so) as before this situation. They expect any investments they make in the cloud now to accrue benefits to the way they’ll continue to operate after the world has transitioned to the new normal. Fortunately, Microsoft offers a wide variety of tools and platforms, from Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure, GitHub, and Visual Studio—helping companies build business resilience. Subscribe to stay connected—we´ll help your development teams code, collaborate, and ship their internal and customer-facing apps even while working as a remotely distribut...

Engage employees, improve productivity, and build team cohesion

After so much turmoil and change, employees all want different things. Companies need to support a successful back-to-hybrid-office life—a situation that is here to stay. The capabilities for positive hybrid meetings is possible with modern Microsoft tooling like Teams, Endpoint Manager, and devices like Surface Hub. Immersive and custom engagements that highlight leading guidance and innovation help remote and on-site deployment assistance prepare teams for hybrid work—meeting the needs of employees and increasing productivity and satisfaction no matter where they work. Sign up to stay connected—we’ll help you better connect and create new experiences throughout your organization with Hybrid Meetings. Read More...

A people-first approach to fostering cyber resilience

Sarah Armstrong-Smith, Chief Security Advisor at Microsoft shares her learnings on fostering cyberresilience in organisations. She talks about how a people-led approach and an integrated security strategy cuts across siloes, acting as an enabler for every aspect of a business, driving agility and innovation. Read More...

Essential Key Performance Indicators for Small and Mid-Size Business

Industries, customers, and markets change. Even where and how we work is changing rapidly. As are, no doubt, your business strategies, goals, objectives, services, and products. The ability to quickly diversify, scale, and change your business models is a competitive advantage in any market. Understanding your customers’ opinions, attitudes, and emotional connections to your brand is called brand sentiment. This leading indicator can help inform how you’re doing in terms of your customer experience, product quality, price competitiveness, and loyalty. Sign up to stay in touch and download the e-book “Essential Key Performance Indicators for Small and Mid-Size Business.” See how easily and accurately you can measure business outcomes from brand sentiment, and let us know when you’re ready to make a change. Read More...

Unify management and security with Microsoft cloud, apps, and endpoints

Today’s workers require adaptability since they often use various devices to accomplish tasks. Microsoft cloud, apps, and endpoints combine services you may already be using, such as Microsoft Intune, which are part of the Microsoft 365 stack designed to help secure access, protect data, and respond and manage risk. Use Endpoint Manager to deploy and configure apps to keep teams connected, apply Azure Virtual Desktop for fast, familiar access to internal resources, access Surface Hub to support a vast device ecosystem, and secure conditional access to mobile apps with Azure Active Directory. Read More...

4 ways to maximise your business intelligence investments

In today’s data-driven world, organisations are driving efforts to maximise data investments to have the greatest business impact possible. This may include implementing data security, unifying data silos and providing real-time analytics throughout your organisation. As you consider your data future, explore how companies like yours solved their data analytics challenges. Read More...

Mobiliser les employés, améliorer la productivité, renforcer la cohésion de l'équipe.

Après tant de bouleversements et de changements, les employés veulent tous des choses différentes. Les entreprises doivent opter pour un retour au travail hybride, une pratique qui n'est pas près de disparaître. Les capacités de réunions hybrides positives sont possibles grâce aux outils modernes de Microsoft tels que Teams, Endpoint Manager et les appareils tels que Surface Hub. Les engagements immersifs et personnalisés qui mettent en évidence les orientations et les innovations de pointe aident l'assistance au déploiement à distance et sur site à préparer les équipes au travail hybride – répondant aux besoins des employés et augmentant la productivité et la satisfaction quel que soit le lieu de travail. Inscrivez-vous pour rester connecté – nous vous aiderons à mieux vous connecter et à créer de nouvelles expériences au sein de votre organisation grâce aux réunions hybrides. Read More...

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe forges a modern way of working with Microsoft 365

GitHub can be a great resource for quickly building a templated solution. Case in point: thyssenkrupp Steel Europe developed their Company Communicator app for Microsoft Teams using an open-source Teams app template from GitHub. Now executives can share company information and other news with employees and even host virtual town hall events—which proved invaluable in keeping hundreds of workers connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...

Saving time with Microsoft Teams

This infographic displays stats on how Microsoft Teams reduces the total number of meetings as well as their duration from improved collaboration and information sharing.  Read More...

Get the most out of Microsoft Azure with Visual Studio

If you have a Microsoft Visual Studio subscription, make sure you explore the benefits that come with it—or you may be leaving value on the table. Use your monthly Microsoft Azure credits and Azure training, DevTest pricing, Azure DevOps, support, and more. Get an overview of all your benefits and even project ideas for how to use your credits. Read More...

Create human connection with Dynamics 365 Sales and LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Connecting with customers and building trust to create strong relationships is essential in today’s digital era. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and LinkedIn Sales Navigator have joined forces to offer an adaptive solution that anticipates customers’ needs as they change. With LinkedIn Navigator’s vast network of business decision makers, you can find the right customers, better understand what they care about, and connect in a more meaningful way. Put the human touch back into every customer interaction. Read More...

Nebraska Furniture Mart embraces Microsoft 365 to work smarter

The ability to work securely from anywhere already played a role in Nebraska Furniture Mart’s (NFM) digital transformation vision, but COVID-19 pushed that goal to the forefront. Decision makers at NFM chose Microsoft 365 to advance a cloud-first strategy and standardize on a single solution. Consolidating communication on a single solution like Microsoft Teams helped drive efficiency and collaboration—all while saving costs. NFM implemented Teams Rooms systems at its Omaha headquarters, and the company will soon roll out the solution across all its stores, as well as integrate Teams Phone capabilities in the future. Read More...

How modern security helps you stay productive and resilient

Siân John MBE, Microsoft’s EMEA Director for Cybersecurity Strategy talks about the importance of a modern approach to cybersecurity, with tools that have built-in protection, makes it easier for organisations to work together, from anywhere. Learn how AI and automation can free up security and IT teams so they can focus on value-add work, delivering innovation to your organisation. Read More...

Kenyan company improves food quality from farm to fork with Microsoft cloud solutions

Farmer’s Choice has been delivering quality meat products to Kenyan tables for 40 years. The customer-oriented company uses advanced technologies with the existing agriculture ecosystem to enhance productivity, ensure food safety and quality, and reduce waste. The coordination of all activities in Microsoft cloud solutions— Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Azure with Internet of Things (IoT) sensors—gives the company unmatched visibility over the entire lifecycle of production, allowing it to respond to supply and demand changes proactively. Read More...

REI embraces hybrid work with Microsoft Teams and Surface Hub

REI is the largest consumer cooperative in the United States specializes in camping gear, outdoor apparel, and equipment. The popular Northwest company uses Microsoft Teams Connect capabilities to simplify how employees collaborate with external parties outside the company—with Microsoft Endpoint Manager and Intune key to its strategy for protecting mobile devices. During the pandemic, REI sold their campus and were fully committed to a hybrid work strategy. The fact that they had implemented products within the Microsoft 365 platform helped ensure their success in their new workplace environment. Read More...

Deliver software faster and more securely with the world’s leading developer platform

Microsoft Visual Studio, coupled with GitHub and Azure DevOps, helps you achieve your goals with the freedom and flexibility to build, manage, and deploy your applications anywhere—with speed and security. Use your preferred languages, frameworks, and infrastructure, even your own datacenter and other clouds, to solve challenges large and small. Sign up to say connected—we’ll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft to build your next great solution. Read More...

4 ways to use data and analytics on your innovation journey

Modern data and analytics can help you understand new market behaviours, respond accordingly and fine-tune services on the go. Rapid innovation is enabling many businesses to stay ahead of change and stand out. When employees can access the right data, at the right time and in the right ways, they feel empowered to innovate and propose creative solutions with more confidence. A clear, coordinated data strategy, aligned to explicit business outcomes, can create a robust platform for growth. Read More...

Azure SQL Database: Intelligent databases that are always up to date

Azure SQL Databases are intelligent and always up to date. It is the only cloud with evergreen SQL which never needs to be patched or updated. ​This infographic presents the benefits of Azure SQL Database and Azure Advance Threat Protection. Read More...

Nebraska Furniture Mart adopte Microsoft 365 pour travailler plus intelligemment

La possibilité de travailler en toute sécurité de n'importe où jouait déjà un rôle dans la vision de transformation numérique de Nebraska Furniture Mart (NFM), mais la COVID-19 a fait passer cet objectif au premier plan. Les décideurs de NFM ont choisi Microsoft 365 pour faire avancer une stratégie de type « cloud-first » et standardiser une solution unique. La consolidation de la communication sur une solution unique telle que Microsoft Teams a permis de renforcer l'efficacité et la collaboration, tout en réduisant les coûts. NFM a mis en place les systèmes de salles Teams à son siège social d'Omaha, et la société va bientôt déployer la solution dans tous ses magasins, ainsi qu'intégrer les capacités du téléphone Teams à l'avenir. Read More...

Leveraging security to build customer trust

When security is built-in and treated like an enabler rather than a pain point, it frees up employees to be able to do their best work. Supported by AI and machine learning to help take over the low-level monitoring, your cybersecurity team can focus on higher-level tasks. This translates to better customer experiences and protection over your whole digital estate, including data. Read More...

Three Ways Analytics Can Help: Respond, Adapt and Save

Understand how analytics and AI can help respond, adapt and save to move your business forward. As businesses adapt to different ways of working and changes in customer behaviour, they need data and clarity to plan their next steps. Analytics can help them navigate the way forward. Proven analytics technologies have a strong track record of enabling more dynamic and exploratory responses that can guide businesses through difficult times. Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics is one such technology. With the benefit of years of analytics experience, Microsoft is ready to deliver the next generation of insight, immediacy, and power at a time when you need it most. Analytics enable you to respond intelligently and effectively, adapt to the current business landscape, and save on costs. Read More...

NHS Blood and Transplant build new electronic Donorpath record system on Azure

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHS BT) is the authority responsible for managing organ donation and transplant services, as well as blood and blood product donation services, in the UK’s national health service. NHS BT leveraged Azure to improve the organ donation process and the experience of patients and donor families. The new Donorpath system has transformed the administrative process of organ donation, giving as much as forty percent of time back to the nurses, while taking advantage of the scalability, resiliency, and the security Azure provides. Read More...

10 Tips for remote and onsite work with Teams.

We’re all working in new ways. To stay competitive, your customers need solutions that help them be resilient, connected, and support the flow of work wherever it happens. Set them up for success with Microsoft Teams. Read More...

British manufacturers unite to build ventilators for the NHS

The UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) realised it would need to play a role in addressing a major impediment in the UK’s response to the COVID-19: the shortage of hospital-grade ventilators. It launched the VentilatorChallengeUK. The consortium that was subsequently created comprised 33 world-leading manufacturers, including Ford, Airbus, McLaren, Siemens Healthineers, Rolls Royce and GKN Aerospace, along with key Microsoft partners including Accenture, Avanade, PTC, Content & Cloud (formally IT Labs) and ZenZero.  Production would need to scale up from 50 a week to 1,500 a week or more – placing a huge stretch on existing supply chains. In addition, employees across the country and work sites would have to be quickly trained. To overcome these difficulties, the consortium chose to extensively use Microsoft HoloLens 2 with Dynamics 365 Remote Assist to deliver immediate expert guidance from the manufacturers. Further support was delivered using PTC Vuforia Expert Cap...

Migration to Azure SQL: An introduction to Data Migration Assistant and Data Migration Service

Nonprofit organizations often operate in a world of highly constrained resources. Doing more with less requires changing how you work. Microsoft is committed to helping you make a greater impact through digital transformation enabled by secure and trusted technology. This webinar walks you through how to move your data to Azure. Read More...

Get started with GitHub and Azure DevOps

Adopting the tools and mindset of DevOps in the right manner can facilitate development efficiency, boost productivity, and increase the rate at which products can be brought to market. Sign up to stay connected. We’ll help you navigate the world of GitHub and Azure DevOps and share helpful tips to get started. Read More...

Connect your business to drive productivity and profits

Many businesses fall into common traps: • siloed data • poor pricing decisions • unsecured data • inability to pivot or keep up with faster-moving competitors With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can connect operations across your business and supercharge your growth. Legacy systems can’t always manage the complexity of a growing business. Incomplete data and tedious reporting can create blind spots that lead to faulty decision-making. With Dynamics 365, you can create a single source of truth by seamlessly sharing data across every line of business, helping your employees work faster and smarter. See some of the reasons 92% of ERP adopters report success, and some of the risks for lagging behind, in this detailed infographic. Read More...

6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps

DevOps methodologies provide businesses with a faster and more efficient way to create and deliver code—and organizations are turning to DevSecOps as the solution to harden security and address compliance at the same time. Sign up to stay connected. We’ll show you 6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps and integrate security into your practices. Read More...

Allica Bank exists to help UK SMEs succeed

Allica Bank delivers on the ambition to empower SMEs by providing a full suite of digitally enhanced financial products. In order to do this, they are powered by modern technology and tools but built on real human relationships and trust. As a bank, data security and compliance with UK banking regulations were the two top priorities for the team. They chose to go with proven software that Allica Bank considered to be best in-class, including Microsoft 365, Dynamics CRM and Azure. Read More...

Flexing a new working from home capability

Charterhouse Holdings plc operates as three exceptionally successful brands: Kustom Kit, Xpres and Vanilla. This portfolio of brands delivers quality products in the personalized clothing sector, visual communications industry and garment retail. They knew there was significant potential to drive efficiency and improve sales and marketing by streamlining the existing business systems into one, Dynamics 365. Charterhouse is already seeing efficiencies in its operations and staff love the new, integrated view of the business information. The ability to personalise dashboard views is highly valued. Staff report a reduction in paper flow and improvements in the time spent on tasks. Read More...

Create instant remote work meetings with Microsoft Teams

Stay connected with Microsoft Teams while working from home with the help of the “Meet now” feature. In this video, you’ll learn how to use “Meet now,” which gives you the ability to turn a team chat conversation into an instant remote meeting. Read More...

Advances in digital behavior analytics are transforming how retailers sell online

COVID-19 accelerated the predominance of online sales. The result is an increased need to personalize the shopper experience—not reduce it. Real-time segmentation that factors things like location, gender, and age are still important, but what’s more important is understanding specific consumer intent. AI-driven solutions unleash insights about individual interests, motivations, and potential conversions. Instead of bombarding customers with information based on common characteristics, personalization using AI makes shoppers feel seen and heard. Read More...

Azure DevOps vs. GitHub: Comparing the Microsoft DevOps tools

When diving into the world of DevOps tools, it’s important to remember that Microsoft Azure DevOps and GitHub each offer unique value and overlapping capabilities. They can be used separately or together, so there’s even a “why not both?” scenario. Learn the history of these two DevOps tools, the specific advantages of each, and how to get started using them. Read More...

To Make Hybrid Work, Solicit Employees’ Input

Driven by the state of the world today, more companies are committing to hybrid work. But how do you build out the model in a way that’s right for your business and those who are conducting it? Simple: Talk to employees to tailor the program to their specific needs. Easier said than done? Learn what questions to ask and scenarios to consider, and then maintain flexibility so you can quickly pivot if necessary. Read More...

Why your business should be based on the recurring revenue model

It’s possible to build a successful business on one-off sales, but it’s difficult and not always sustainable. If you’re thinking about starting your own business or taking the one you currently have to a new level, then you really need to consider the recurring revenue model. Whether you’re in the business of software, content creation, physical products, or productized services, the recurring revenue model is based on predictable revenues occurring at regular intervals—and that might just be the secret to success. Read More...

Protect your endpoints with top EDR software

Companies must now consider endpoint detection and response software (EDR) with AI and machine learning capabilities, as well as threat intelligence databases, to function in a safer, evolving digital environment. However, most of the features users expect from popular EDR tools, such as device control, advanced threat targeting, and rollback, are either unavailable or require an additional fee. Microsoft Defender for Endpoints (formerly Defender Advanced Threat Protection) integrates into the source code of Windows, making it an obvious choice for its devices. (It's also available for Mac and Linux.) Defender for Endpoints simplifies management while also providing strong security and a wide variety of standard features. Read More...

Low code vs. no code and the future of application development

Low code and no code platforms make app and software development accessible to non-developers. With pre-built templates and boilerplate code, businesses save time and money. Low code or no code platforms can help organizations build and deploy apps without always relying on an engineering team. Read More...

Now is the time for Microsoft Teams

This infographic outlines how you can stay in touch with the hub for teamwork in Office 365. With Microsoft Teams you can connect, collaborate, and come together securely by meeting with your peers and getting work done anywhere—even remotely. Read More...

Microsoft offers 3x the cloud grant vs. AWS

Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit aligns the capabilities of Microsoft 365, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, Azure and LinkedIn to address the most common nonprofit scenarios. Read More...

Pour que l'hybride fonctionne, solliciter l'avis des employés

Poussées par l'état du monde actuel, de plus en plus d'entreprises adoptent le travail hybride. Cependant, comment construire le modèle d'une manière qui convienne à votre entreprise et à ceux qui la dirigent ? Simple : Parlez aux employés pour adapter le programme à leurs besoins spécifiques. Plus facile à dire qu'à faire ? Apprenez les questions à poser et les scénarios à envisager, puis restez flexible afin de pouvoir pivoter rapidement si nécessaire. Read More...

The Partner Opportunity For Microsoft Business Applications ISV

The Microsoft Business Applications ISV Connect Program offers ISV partners a framework to assess potential business opportunities related to building, managing, and selling Microsoft Business Applications as a Microsoft partner—capturing multiple revenue opportunities. Access platforms, tools, resources, and support designed to help you develop, publish, and market your business apps. Be a Microsoft partner and obtain the tools to fully develop your selling potential. Subscribe to stay connected—we´ll help you navigate the world of Microsoft Business Applications as a Microsoft partner. Read More...

Hybrid Work: A Guide for Business Leaders

The pandemic has fundamentally transformed the way we work, do business, and meet customer (and employee) needs. With data showing that all parties want flexibility, the shift to hybrid work is a strategic business opportunity for every organization—one that requires a new operating model. The customers’ objective is to lead this change within their business and embrace innovation and the hybrid work opportunity—the inevitable way of the future. Fortunately, Microsoft has been a trailblazer in this transition, and has a guide to share what they’ve learned at scale about people, places, and processes. Subscribe to stay connected. We’ll help you take an active role in shaping your organization’s future. Read More...

Customer Stories Medley

A short medley of customer stories showing how a modern security strategy empowers them to deliver better customer experiences, empower productivity and become more agile and resilient. Read More...

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Microsoft Endpoint Manager is a solution that provides on-premises and cloud-based devices with tools (as well as the ability to co-manage with them) to provision, deploy, manage, and secure endpoints. It also enables insights into endpoint health and performance and remediates vulnerabilities in multiple areas—all while significantly reducing costs. It gives organizations the enhanced control and monitoring to support employees with minimal impact on user experience while preventing data loss and applying Zero Trust best practices. Subscribe to stay connected—we’ll help you ensure a more secure, productive work environment throughout your organization. Read More...

Data and Analytics Customer Stories

By democratising data and analytics, organisations create one source of truth across their business, leading to insights that drive value and better decision making. Charterhouse Holdings uses this to empower employees with the right information, at the right time. The High Value Manufacturing Catapult leverages data to empower remote assist and training to scale manufacturing of important medical equipment. Read More...

Travail hybride : Guide destiné aux chefs d'entreprise

La pandémie a totalement transformé notre façon de travailler, de faire des affaires et de répondre aux besoins des clients (et des employés). Les données montrant que toutes les parties souhaitent de la flexibilité, le passage au travail hybride est une opportunité commerciale stratégique pour chaque organisation, qui nécessite un nouveau modèle opérationnel. L'objectif des clients est de mener ce changement au sein de leur entreprise et d'adopter l'innovation et l'opportunité du travail hybride – la voie inévitable de l'avenir. Heureusement, Microsoft a été un pionnier dans cette transition et dispose d'un guide pour partager ce qu'il a appris à l'échelle sur les personnes, les lieux et les processus. Abonnez-vous pour rester connecté. Nous vous aiderons à jouer un rôle actif dans la construction de l'avenir de votre organisation. Read More...

Web Banner

Discover how the right strategy and a data-driven culture puts the power of data and analytics into everyone in your workforce, creating resilient and innovative teams. Download this to share on your website Read More...

Expand collaboration while working remotely, keeping your team engaged, connected, and secure

This one-slide for Teams Meetings and Calling provides insights on how to power up a remote employee with #Microsoft Teams. Learn ways to expand collaboration while working remotely, as well as streamline connections across devices, all while keeping teams engaged, connected, and secure. Read More...

Windows and SQL

Learn about the features and benefits of migrating to Windows Server and SQL Server on Azure. This video discusses key aspects such as preventing the loss of valuable data and getting the lowest cost of ownership. Read More...

Accelerate developer velocity using any platform, any language, and any cloud

Teams that adopt DevOps culture, practices, and tools become high-performing—building better products faster for greater customer satisfaction. This improved collaboration and productivity is essential to achieve business goals such as accelerating time to market, adapting to the market and competition, maintaining system stability and reliability, and improving the mean time to recovery. Sign up to say connected—we’ll help you learn more about Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft. Read More...

Understand your customers and strengthen relationships remotely

The world has changed, and the workplace continues to evolve post-pandemic. Understanding your customer is essential for personalizing sales—knowing your client wants and needs leads to effective engagements. With increased work happening in the cloud, products like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Dynamics 365 Sales help you stay agile, meeting customers wherever they are. Sign up to learn more about how to effectively engage with digital selling. Read More...

Reimagine the flow of work in the new hybrid work reality

Flexibility is a must in the new post-pandemic work world. Hybrid work continues to evolve, and business leaders are looking for a new operating model. Technology is the binding factor to create inclusive meetings that keep employees engaged and inspired. Updates to Teams like PowerPoint Live, the Teams camera feed, Microsoft Whiteboard—and devices like Surface Hub—encourage digital collaboration. Endpoint Manager combines services like Microsoft Intune, Configuration Manager, Desktop Analytics, co-management, and Windows Autopilot to help secure access, protect data, and respond and manage risk. Sign up to say connected—we’ll help you better connect and create new experiences throughout your organization with Hybrid Meetings. Read More...

Adapt faster—gain flexibility to create adjustable financial and operating models

The world today moves fast, and you need the flexibility to adapt quickly to disruption, the competition, and daily challenges. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central connects teams across finance, sales, service, and operations so you can monitor insights and pivot when needed. Sign up to stay connected. We can help you get the most from your ERP. Read More...

Deploy and protect endpoints for hybrid work environments

Digital transformation is accelerating and keeping up with advancements adds complexity for workers, technology, and security teams. With an ever-expanding attack surface, leaders are challenged to manage a growing number of devices and endpoints. Meet the evolving needs of today’s business world with modern endpoints built on the Microsoft 365 and intelligent security cloud. You can build security into apps and device experiences that help reduce the threat of endpoint vulnerability, including adoption of Zero Trust and Secure Endpoints for Frontline workforce devices. Sign up to say connected—we’ll help you learn more about how to deploy and protect endpoints for hybrid work environments. Read More...

Improve observability, strengthen security, and proactively remediate vulnerabilities

There are DevOps tools for every phase of the app lifecycle. Use Azure to implement DevOps practices throughout application planning, development, delivery, and operations. By applying the right combination of DevOps technologies, culture, and processes, you can achieve continual software delivery and offer better value for your customers. Sign up to stay connected. We’ll help you learn more about using Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio from Microsoft. Read More...

Redéfinir le flux du travail dans la nouvelle réalité du travail hybride

La flexibilité est une nécessité dans le nouveau monde du travail post-pandémique. Le travail hybride continue de se répandre, et les chefs d'entreprise recherchent un nouveau mode de fonctionnement. La technologie est le facteur contraignant pour créer des réunions inclusives qui maintiennent les employés engagés et inspirés. Les mises à jour de Teams, comme PowerPoint Live, le flux de caméras Teams, Microsoft Whiteboard et les dispositifs comme Surface Hub, encouragent la collaboration numérique. Endpoint Manager combine des services tels que Microsoft Intune, Configuration Manager, Desktop Analytics, la cogestion et Windows Autopilot pour aider à sécuriser l'accès, protéger les données et répondre et gérer les risques. Inscrivez-vous pour rester connecté – nous vous aiderons à mieux vous connecter et à créer de nouvelles expériences au sein de votre organisation avec les réunions hybrides. Read More...

This LinkedIn tool could boost your sales

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a premium subscription-based app specializing in prospecting and tracking sales prospects. Its advanced search engine helps identify ideal candidates by looking for leads or accounts—filtering search results based on geography, industry, company size, role, seniority level, and more. With Sales Navigator, marketers can engage new leads and connections and discover new ones automatically. The Team version connects popular CRM applications and captures your Sales Navigator activity. Read More...

Setting The Stage For Collaborative Hybrid Teams

Remote work is starting to feel mainstream, but many companies are still struggling to normalize their own personalized hybrid work models. Explore four things you should avoid in order to balance the needs of a diverse and divided workforce—from investing in the right tools and overcoming meeting fatigue to finding new ways for personal connections. Read More...

Security and Risk Management

Customer trust is everything. Take an active, uncompromising approach to your security and risk management to protect your critical data and assets. Read More...

The new normal: Hybrid work means greater focus on endpoint security

We used to think of network security as a perimeter issue, but with so many endpoints, the perimeter no longer exists. Employees now work from various locations using different devices, making it is close to impossible for any single IT team to confirm that they're using protection mechanisms. Employees require safe, versatile endpoint experiences to perform at their best from anywhere in the world. How can organizations protect themselves? Endpoint security seeks out viruses, malware, and other risks and, if it finds them, it works to mitigate the risk to the rest of the network by keeping it locked down. Read More...

What is Microsoft Teams?

This video shows how you can pull together a team with Microsoft Teams on your PC, Mac, or mobile device. Use chat instead of email, securely edit files at the same time, see your likes, mentions, and replies with just a single tap, and have the freedom to customize it all by adding notes, websites, and apps. Read More...

Data-Driven Organisations

Meet customer needs, unlock new opportunities and create new ways of working. See what your data can do for you. Get in touch with us to find out more! #data #datacentric #deployment Read More...

Better on Azure: The benefits of using Azure for Windows Server and SQL Server workloads

Azure is a logical choice for Windows Server and SQL server workloads. This whitepaper examines how Azure supports applications that rely on SQL Server or Windows Server in four key areas: security, rapid innovation, hybrid solutions and cost advantage. Read More...

Préparer le terrain pour des équipes hybrides collaboratives

Bien que le télétravail commence à se démocratiser, de nombreuses entreprises ont encore du mal à normaliser leurs propres modèles personnalisés de travail hybride. Découvrez quatre choses à éviter pour équilibrer les besoins d'une main-d'œuvre diversifiée et divisée, qu'il s'agisse d'investir dans les bons outils, de surmonter la lassitude des réunions ou de trouver de nouveaux moyens de créer des liens personnels. Read More...

Britax Römer creates a unified e-commerce solution with Dynamics 365

Child car seat and stroller engineer/manufacturer Britax Romer designs and delivers its safety products to retailers across Europe. To innovate and keep ahead of the competition, it needed to automate, digitize, and give savvy customers and retailers the information they needed in one place—as well as fulfill deliveries in record time. Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions enabled the retailer consumer guidance toward the best safety products for children. Read More...

MPAA relies on Azure and Visual Studio to innovate and increase efficiencies

When the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences maxxed-out its on-premises infrastructure, it turned to Microsoft Azure to expand its capacity into the cloud. It also leaned into Azure DevOps to improve collaboration between development and infrastructure teams and used Visual Studio to develop new streaming apps across Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and tvOS—delivering rich, responsive online experiences to its members across different devices and platforms. Read More...

The NFL huddles with Microsoft Teams to digitize collaboration for game day

Everyone knows that teamwork is vital in the National Football League (NFL)—on the field and off. The arrival of COVID-19, however, pushed the league to reimagine how to collaborate behind the scenes. Executing hundreds of live events while preserving the gameday experience for online fans and business partners was a new challenge. In exchange for the traditional high-touch, in-person communication culture at league offices, the organization adopted a virtual home field. Microsoft Teams helped the NFL stay connected and safely execute all 270 combined regular season and playoff games and Super Bowl LV—despite the collaboration challenges brought on by the pandemic. Read More...

How Microsoft helped HB Concepts automate and streamline its operations

HB Concepts, a female-led distribution company based in the United Arab Emirates, supplies more than 200 clients—spas, hospitals, hotels, and wellness centers—with equipment for skin treatments. Moving to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central as an enterprise resource program (ERP) solution required minimal training and exponentially sped up their quoting process. It even improved the company’s relationship with their supplier, and integration with Internet of Things (IoT) sensors means maintenance services can be delivered proactively. Read More...

Microsoft Edge as default browser for access to legacy web apps and better security

Today’s users are looking for more ways to remain productive while working on any device. Businesses have security top of mind, and so with those two goals, Global healthcare company GlaxoSmithKline chose Microsoft Edge as its single web browser. The IT team responsible for the Microsoft Edge deployment of over 130,000 employees enrolled every Windows 10 device in Microsoft Endpoint Manager. With Microsoft Edge now on their internal store, end users could install it on-demand—a perfect solution for employees who are asking for more ways to work the way that they want. With a consolidated default browser, legacy web apps are secure. Read More...

Dow uses vision AI at the edge to boost employee safety and security with Azure

Dow is a leader in materials science, focused on delivering innovative and sustainable customer-centric solutions. An important priority for the chemical company is safety, and Microsoft Azure played a crucial role in enabling preventative leak detection with the goal of zero safety-related events at its facilities. The initial solution leverages Azure AI to analyze live video and uses an app to trigger notifications to the operator if it detects a possible leak. Azure Video Analyzer, coupled with Azure DevOps, provided a quick, low-latency, low-resource, and easily scalable solution. Machine learning ensures the model is continually refined, so it gets better with each interaction. Best of all, this model can be leveraged for other applications, such as detecting when employees aren’t wearing proper PPE in industrial locations, and security monitoring. Read More...

La NFL s'associe à Microsoft Teams pour numériser la collaboration le jour du match.

Tout le monde sait que le travail d'équipe est essentiel dans la National Football League (NFL) – sur le terrain et en dehors. L'arrivée de la COVID-19 a cependant poussé la ligue à réimaginer la manière de collaborer en coulisses. Exécuter des centaines d'événements en direct tout en préservant l'expérience du jour du match pour les fans en ligne et les partenaires commerciaux était un nouveau défi. En lieu et place de la culture traditionnelle de communication en personne dans les bureaux de la ligue, l'organisation a adopté un terrain virtuel. Microsoft Teams a aidé la NFL à rester connectée et à assurer en toute sécurité les 270 matchs combinés de la saison régulière et des séries éliminatoires, ainsi que le Super Bowl LV, malgré les difficultés de collaboration engendrées par la pandémie. Read More...

4 ways to build cyber resilience

Discover the four ways to build cyber resilience and help organisations adapt at speed, build trust and empower everyone to achieve more. Take an active, uncompromising approach to security with an integrated security platform, protecting critical data and services, enabling remote work, and building resilient cyberteams. Read More...

Building a data-driven organisation

Build a data-driven organisation with a strong data strategy. Get more value from data and put the power of it into the hands of everyone in your workforce. When you start with a solid foundation, you can improve decision making, innovate performance, and embrace a culture full of the right talent and leadership. Organisations that embrace a data-driven culture experience a three-fold boost in revenue and four-fold boost in customer satisfaction. Read More...

Microsoft Fireside Chat | The Salvation Army stays connected during COVID-19

The global COVID-19 Pandemic presented a challenge to Salvation Army locations across the world—how to continue serving people who rely on The Salvation Army while still staying safe and adhering to social distancing? Microsoft CVP Jared Spataro and The Salvation Army Commissioner Merle Heatwole discuss how Microsoft Teams is helping connect employees from The Salvation Army’s international headquarters in London, helping them maintain their relationship with international chapters who rely on their support. Read More...

Economic Recovery Report

Effective, resilient businesses make their data work harder. Use analytics to redefine your decision-making, drive innovation, and gain competitive advantage. Read the report to discover how a people-first approach can boost resilience and drive competitiveness.

Make-A-Wish Foundation finds efficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic—and beyond

Make-A-Wish continues to drive their mission regardless of the pandemic. Leveraging technology tools enabled their team to connect wish families with wish granters. Read More...