
Showing posts from May, 2022

Data drives businesses. Download this web banner to share.

Data drives businesses. Download this web banner to share.

Digital Defense Report

nformed by over 8 trillion daily security signals and observations from our security and threat intelligence experts, the Digital Defense Report presents telemetry and insights about the current state of cybersecurity. Get the latest insights about the threat intelligence landscape and guidance from experts, practitioners, and defenders at Microsoft. Read More...

Microsoft’s AI Skills in the UK report

Organisations that embrace AI outperform the competition by 11.5%. New research by Microsoft reveals that compared to the rest of the world, the UK suffers from lower AI maturity, adoption levels, and skills within the workforce. The findings reveal that: • 15% of UK companies can be classified as advanced ‘AI pros’, compared to 23% of global companies • 35% of UK business leaders foresee an AI skills gap in the next two years. 28% say we already have one • Only 17% of UK employees are being re-skilled for AI, compared to 38% globally Download Microsoft’s AI Skills in the UK report and learn the practical, cultural, and educational from a range of fellow business leaders that will enhance your organisation’s AI skills advantage. Read More...

Transform your business with the right data strategy.

Transform your business with the right data strategy. Download this web banner to share.

Activate Digital Selling: A holistic approach

Customers have changed more than we realize. They have a ton of access to information via social and digital channels, and they use it to make better, more informed decisions. How has selling changed as clients' research and engagement capabilities have become more digital and advanced? To compete effectively, businesses must take a more holistic approach to accelerate revenue outcomes by transforming selling with an intelligent, comprehensive digital sales collaboration platform. Tools like Dynamics 365, Office 365, Azure, and Power Platform work to integrate data and AI. Review the infographic to learn how Microsoft is approaching digital sales to integrate marketing, commerce, and sales to deliver modern customer experiences. Read More...

Hybrid Meetings: Enterprise-grade security

The acceleration of remote and hybrid work has presented challenges for collaboration and security. With Microsoft 365, and especially Teams, you get optimal security, top-of-line performance, and incomparable quality in every call and meeting. Remove barriers to remote work with enterprise-grade quality and performance using up-to-date Teams capabilities. Secure and scale your Teams rooms effortlessly with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Review the infographic and discover how Microsoft 365—specifically Microsoft Teams—enables safe and productive online collaboration. Read More...

Social Quote Carousel – Sian John MBE

See what Siân John MBE, Microsoft’s EMEA Director for Cybersecurity Strategy says about the importance of a modern approach to cybersecurity.

Modernize Endpoints A Zero Trust approach

The approach to modernizing endpoints is realized with Microsoft 365—and Microsoft Zero Trust is the model for security. With Zero Trust in place, employees can perform from anywhere in the world while maintaining tight control over core security needs. Let the Microsoft intelligent security cloud and endpoint leadership be your guide. Take a look at this infographic and advance your journey toward the Zero Trust model. Read More...

Social Quote Carousel – Kate Rosenshine

Kate Rosenshine, Global Cloud Solution Architect Lead at Microsoft shares her thoughts on how an AI-ready data-driven culture will help you deliver more value and innovation.

Réunions hybrides : Sécurité de classe entreprise

L'accélération du télétravail et du travail hybride a posé des problèmes de collaboration et de sécurité. Avec Microsoft 365, et notamment Teams, vous bénéficiez d'une sécurité optimale, de performances haut de gamme et d'une qualité incomparable pour chaque appel et chaque réunion. Supprimez les obstacles au télétravail avec une qualité et des performances de niveau entreprise en utilisant les capacités actualisées de Teams. Sécurisez et faites évoluer vos salles Teams sans effort avec Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Consultez l'infographie et découvrez comment Microsoft 365, en particulier Microsoft Teams, permet une collaboration en ligne sûre et productive. Read More...

Customer stories showcase traction for Microsoft’s business apps division

Rapid digital shifts in the business market have forced organizations to up their cloud game and application services. Sales teams need to discover changes in customer intent and act quickly to remain competitive. Business apps such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform have been successful because of the pre-trained AI models within the application, which makes it easier to deliver in right time experiences (RTE). RTE are products, services and applications which provide the right information to the right person at the right time on their device of choice. To create RTEs, a company must connect real-time data, partner with, and open data via AI-driven analytics. Read More...

Treating Remote Employees Fairly in a Hybrid Workplace

With the hybrid work model taking root in modern business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of “distance bias” since our brains are naturally wired to pay more attention to what’s right in front of us. Instead of favoring people in the room, leaders should become more self-aware and intentional in their evaluations of individuals’ skills regardless of where they sit. Learn why hybrid work can boost productivity, how remote workers may become alienated, and tactics for leveling the playing field across in-office and remote environments for the best all-around outcomes. Read More...

A First Device Supported by Microsoft Endpoint Manager for Frontline Workers

In today’s fragmented technology environment, it’s important for leaders to support the frontline workforce with a customized user experience. Microsoft Endpoint Manager plays an important role in large scale projects requiring a secure environment to operate efficiently, such as with RealWear’s assisted reality wearable device—controlled by using simple voice commands, which frees the hands for the job. Its reliable features enable businesses to configure, manage and gather data from their devices with simple security and device management. Read More...

Traiter équitablement les employés à distance dans un lieu de travail hybride

Avec le modèle de travail hybride qui s'enracine dans l'entreprise moderne, il est facile de tomber dans le piège du « préjugé de distance », car nos cerveaux sont naturellement câblés pour accorder plus d'attention à ce qui se trouve juste devant nous. Au lieu de favoriser les personnes présentes dans la salle, les dirigeants devraient être plus conscients et plus intentionnels dans leurs évaluations des compétences des individus, quelle que soit leur place. Découvrez pourquoi le travail hybride peut stimuler la productivité, comment les travailleurs à distance peuvent s'aliéner, et les stratégies permettant de concilier les environnements de bureau et à distance pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles. Read More...

Drive Trust and Agility

Intelligent security can help businesses adapt at speed and empower their people to achieve more. Microsoft’s e-book ‘Drive Trust and Agility’, shares how a successful security strategy can instil confidence, enable productivity, inspire customer trust and drive innovation. Learn the ways you can build cyber resilience, including how simplifying security is often the best form of protection, protect your organisation from cyberthreats, enable secure remote work for everyone and build a culture of security. Read More...

Building a data driven organisation

With the right data strategy, organisations can improve performance and gain value with real-time and predicting insights. Adapt and automate business processes to drive productivity and encourage teamwork to build resilience. Microsoft’s e-book ‘Building a data-driven organisation’ shows how to drive superior customer experiences, products, and services while giving employees time to spend innovating or personalising customer experiences. Learn how to improve decision intelligence, the importance of a unified data system, how to improve performance and innovation and how the power of data can benefit everyone. Read More...